We've been back for a whole day+ now. I 'm finding it difficult to sleep tonight. I don't think it's just jet leg. A piece of me is still in Thailand . . . pondering, thinking, praying, wondering through the 'what ifs.'
I'm awake with questions. Questions that we will all need to reflect on over the weeks ahead . . .
1) how do we better care for our global missionaries commissioned and sent out by Mt Albert Baptist? After all, we have fine missionaries we have sent out. If anything, we need to better partner with them in what they are doing around the world.
2) what does effective local mission continue to look like for us? We have a good history here and have taken some pretty big steps in local misson at a church these past 3 or so years. We're connecting with our local community well. What does it look like from here? How can be better engage in our workplaces, our families, our local schools, the various 'formal' ministries that run through MAB (and elsewhere)... ?
3) what does it look like to effectively engage globally in both urban and rural areas? There are so many needs, challenges and opportunities. What does it look like for us to plant the seed of the gospel in various ways and watch it grow into a tree that bears much fruit, well beyond what can ever be imagined...
4) what type of budget does this require of us? Vision and Dreams cost something after all. What are we capable of? When comparing what we have to the poor conditions I've seen these past few days, it's obvious that we're all in the 'rich' camp to some degree (though probably none of us feel that way). I don't think we need to feel bad about this - after all, we were born into a country with opportunity and health and education and local churches; it's not like we had much to do with that! But, God in his sovereignty seems to bless some (us) with more to help others who don't have. So, what does it look like for us, especially in the wake of a recession?
5) isn't this a bad discussion to have in the midst of research for The Hub? After all, aren't churches meant to keep global missions for another day when needing to raise funds for buildings? It seems insane to be having this dialogue right now, doesn't it?
To be honest, I have some fears. Some of those fears are no doubt evident in the questions above. There are others too.
1) will the urgent and immediate strangle out the mission of God in me? In us? After all, it's natural to think about ourselves. It's like there is a second type of gravity that keeps our feet on the ground, looking inward. While we need to be internally healthy (and put additional effort in place for this to occur), we have to remain externally focused. The urgent and immediate tend to focus us inward. It takes greater effort to push outward.
2) Will cold water be poured on all this? I've seen youth fired up from camps in past years coming back with much enthusiasm to find comments like, 'they'll get over it soon' - as if enthusiasm is a bad thing. I think this is a sad indictment on us at times. I fear for Michael, David, Murray, and myself in this. I pray that we will listen well to questions, fears, and comments, but that the embers that burn within will be flamed wider - if God is in this.
3) What does it look like to ignite the heart of all of us in mission (locally and globally)? What does it look like to lead us in a way that engages all of us in this - young, old, those in the middle, the various cultures that make up our church? What does pace look like? What does faith look like (after all, risk is involved in faith, but people have done some wacky and wrong things in the name of faith too).
4) How can we grow more united through the dialogue? I'm aware that this subject can open up 'a can of worms' for lots of people. There are so many ideas and thoughts and approaches. My prayer is that our mission is biblical (we want to have God's stamp over all of this), large (something that is big enough for all of us), and effective (focused enough to actually see the power of gospel to save and transform).
Amidst these questions and fears, I'm grateful to God for the journey thus far. I'm grateful that I got to travel with such fine men, and to see the way we're all on the same page as we think through the way ahead. I'm grateful for a church that genuinely wants God to lead and shape us.
I'd appreciate your prayer over the coming weeks as we all begin to ponder and shape what the future might look like. Let's pray together as we seek God's face. Pray that we can be once again awed by the power of the gospel at work in us and through us. May God lead us in the journey ahead.