
Welcome to Mt Albert Baptist blog

Friday, 15 February 2013

Team Thailand blog - team 1
Visited maungthong church today to hear about their outreach to troubled teens sent to remand centres. The church runs a halfway house for the boys once they have finished their sentence and if they have accepted Christ into their lives. We visited the two bedroom house and heard the testimony of 2 boys aged 15 & 18 yrs and how Jesus had changed their lives. We prayed for them and the ministry.
It is now later in the evening at Bangkok international airport and to quote a popular song " we're leaving, on a jetplane, don't know when we'll be back again..." With Gods blessing and if it be His will, then some of us and/ or others from mabc will be back again to continue the work our team has started this trip. Again thank you for all your prayers and encouragement. Pray the rest of the team travels safely when they return home. See you in about 13 hours (terra firma NZ time, Saturday 17:00). Although we may be some time at customs, what with the selection machetes being purchased by the men and having been in the Thai mountains with animals. Who bought a scrubbing brush for cleaning their footwear, not many. Toothbrushes are really handy as a substitute. See you soon, team Thailand- team 1.

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